Wednesday 21 September 2016


A volcanoes is a sudden and abrupt explosion in the crust of the earth through which magma, gas, smoke and solid material is ejected. The hot molten magma below the earth’s surface is brought to the surface as lava. Lava is a very high temperature, varying from 800 to 1300 Celsius and contains steam and several other gases. All these materials are ejection at greater pressure through a pipe which as it’s ‘Vent’ or ‘Neck’.
The lava forms a cone-like feature on the surface of the earth which is known as ‘Volcanic Cone’. The top of the cone has funnel-shaped or saucer-shaped depression which is known as the crater. The diameter of the crater may from a few meter to a few kilometres. Sometimes lava comes to the surface through joints on the sides of main cone and forms secondary cones.

The three types of materials including gases, liquids, and solids are ejection at the time of a volcanic eruption.

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